PHP CheatSheet

General Notes

Perl split type functions

$words = explode(" ", "hypertext language, programming");
$words = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", "hypertext language, programming");

Equiv on Linux seq

range($start, $end [, $step = 1 ]);

Null, Empty isset()

(bool) is an array, a numeric/float/int/string/object
is_array( $var );
is_numeric( $var );
is_float( $var );
is_int( $var ); (is_integer)
is_string( $var );
is_object( $var );

End of line

PHP_EOL (cf. “\n”;)

Ternary operator

$var_is_greater_than_two = ($var > 2 ? true : false);

String operations

strlen ( $str )
ucfirst( $str )
lcfirst( $str )
ucwords( $str )
strtolower( $str )
strtoupper( $str )
substr( $str , $start [,$length] ); #  shorten a string
str_replace( $search , $replace , $subject [, $count ] ) # Replace all occurrences 'search' string 'replace' string
strstr( $haystack , $needle [,$before_needle = false ] ) # Find the first occurrence of a string
stristr( $haystack , $needle [,$before_needle = false ] ) # Case-insensitive strstr()
sprintf( "format", $str ); # sprintf as in other languages.
trim( $str ); # strip leading/trailing white-space (ltrim(), rtrim())

Numeric operations

ceil($float)  # round up
floor($float) # round down
(float) $float # trims trailing zeros

Date/Time formatting

$today = getdate(); # $today[‘seconds’,’minutes’,’hours’,’mday’,’wday’,’mon’,’year’,’yday’,’weekday’,’month’,0]
strftime ($format, $timestamp) #

Currency formatting

setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'en_US');
echo money_format('%.2n', $number) . "\n";

HTML operations

$data = array('foo'=>'bar', 'baz'=>'boom','cow'=>'milk','php'=>'hypertext processor');
$query_str = http_build_query($data) # build HTTP request query part
$url = 'select.php?' . htmlentities($query_str);

$array = $parse_url($url); # keys: scheme host port user pass path query fragment
# query - after the question mark ?;  fragment - after the hashmark #

$int = $parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PORT);

Arrays crash course

array_key_exists($key, $array);               # equiv of Perl exists
$arr0 = array();                              # empty array

unset($array); $array = array ();             # clearing array contents, unset and re-create

$arr1 = array ( 0 => 'fred', 1 => 'barney' );                  # creating a populate array
$arr2 = array ( 'fred' => 'flintstone', 'barney' => 'rubble'); # creating a populate array

$arr1[0] = "fred";            # array element assignment
$arr1[1] = "barney";          # array element assignment
$arr2['fred'] = "flintstone"; # array element assignment
$arr2['barney'] = "rubble";   # array element assignment

var arr1 = array();
foreach (range(0, 12) as $int) {
        arr1[] = $int;

$int = count($array);                                                  # number of elements
in_array ( mixed $needle , array $haystack [, bool $strict = FALSE ] ) # Checks if a value exists in an array

Relative array index

$value = current($array);
$value = next($array);
$value = prev($array);
$value = end($array); # last element

Looping over an array

foreach ($arr1 as $value) {
        echo $value; # fred, barney

foreach ($arr2 as $key => $value) {
        echo "$key:$value "; # fred:flintstone barney:rubble

Skipping to next foreach iteration

continue; # equivalent of Perl next;

Perl-like split/join operators

explode ( string $delimiter , string $string [, int $limit ] ) # simple split
preg_split ( string $pattern , string $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int $flags = 0 ]] ) # split with regex like Perl
implode ( string $glue , array $pieces ); # join, $glue defaults to empty string
list ( mixed $var1 [, mixed $... ] ); # one line assignment so Perl like split into a list.
list($drink, $color, $power) = explode(', ' , "coffee, brown, caffeine");

Week numbers

$datestr = str_replace(".", "/", '2014.10.26');
$sdate = strtotime($datestr);
$week = 'Wk' . date('W', $sdate);

Random Notes

<?php echo "Hello my good web browser" ; ?> # <? ... ?> form is deprecated >= PHP5

# comment, CANNOT be on same line as PHP code
// comment, CAN be added to the end of the PHP code line
/* ... */ multi-line comment block


$ + (_[a-zA-Z]) + (_[a-zA-Z0-9)* and are CASE Sensitive
$firstname, $FirstName, $_a1, $_2, etc
$this reserved for Object Orientated PHP.
# globally scoped unless inside a function

- Boolean        - (TRUE|FALSE)
- Integer        - whole numbers
- Float (double) - 12.56 ..
- String         - characters, letter, or numbers in ".." or '..'
- Array          - multi-dimenstional arrays
- Object         - basics for class definitions
- NULL           - like MySQL
- Resource       - reference to functions, databases, files outside of PHP

Defined Constants

declared using define()
global scope
(_[a-zA-Z]) + (_[a-zA-Z0-9)* and are CASE Sensitive, convention use UPPERCASE
define("SYS_OWNER", "Peter");
echo "System owner is:" . SYS_OWNER . "<br/>" ;

Expressions - collective term for code statements

examples, NB function returns value => expression
function myName() {
   Return "Peter";
$name = MyName();
$name ? $last = "MacIntyre" : $last = "" ;


Note with: '==' the string is converted to a number prior to comparison (passes)
Note with:  '===' no conversion compared on content and type (fails on type: number vs string)

if (1 == '1') echo "true 1 equals '1' <br/>";

if (1 === '1') echo "true 1 equals '1'";
else echo "false 1 does not equal '1' " ;

Better form than one-line form above:

if ($weekday == "Monday") {
    $discount = $tax_rate * 0.05 ;

if ($weekday == "Monday") {
    $discount = $tax_rate * 0.05 ;
else {
    $discount = $tax_rate * 0.25 ;

if ($weekday == "Monday") {
    $discount = $tax_rate * 0.05 ;
} elseif ($weekday == "Tuesday") {
    $discount = $tax_rate * 0.06 ;
} elseif ($weekday == "Wednesday") {
    $discount = $tax_rate * 0.07 ;
} elseif ($weekday == "Thursday") {
    $discount = $tax_rate * 0.08 ;
} elseif ($weekday == "Friday") {
    $discount = $tax_rate * 0.09 ;
} elseif ($weekday == "Saturday" || $weekday == "Sunday") {
    $discount = $tax_rate * 0.10 ;


$today = date("l") ;
if ($today == "Monday")     { $tax_rate += 2 ; }
if ($today == "Tuesday")    { $tax_rate += 3 ; }
if ($today == "Wednesday")  { $tax_rate += 4; }
if ($today == "Thursday")   { $tax_rate += 5 ; }
if ($today == "Friday")     { $tax_rate += 6 ; }
if ($today == "Saturday")   { $tax_rate += 7 ; }
if ($today == "Sunday")     { $tax_rate += 8; }

switch ($today) {
    case "Monday" :
        $tax_rate += 2 ;
        $wages = $salary * 0.2 ;
        $msg_color = "red" ;
    case "Tuesday" :
        $tax_rate += 3 ;
        $wages = $salary * 0.3 ;
        $msg_color = "yellow" ;
    case "Wednesday" :
        $tax_rate += 4 ;
        $wages = $salary * 0.4 ;
        $msg_color = "black" ;
    case "Thursday" :
        $tax_rate += 5 ;
        $wages = $salary * 0.5 ;
        $msg_color = "green" ;
    case "Friday" :
        $tax_rate += 6 ;
        $wages = $salary * 0.6 ;
        $msg_color = "orange" ;
    case "Saturday" :
    case "Sunday" :
        $tax_rate += 7 ;
        $wages = $salary * 0.7 ;
        $msg_color = "purple" ;


    # typical while loop
    $repeat = 1 ;
    while ($repeat <= 25) {
        echo "the counter is: " . $repeat . "<br/>" ;
        $repeat ++ ;

# typical repeat loop
    $repeat = 0 ;
do {
        $repeat ++ ;
           echo "the counter is: " . $repeat . "<br/>" ;
    } while ($repeat <= 25);


# typical for loop (foreach also exists)
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 25; $i++) {
        echo "the counter is: " . $i . "<br/>" ;