Welcome to NonBleedingEdge!
This site is an online collection of my cheatsheets and howtos.
I admit the name NonBleedingEdge is kind of strange, but resulted from a discussion with another aging techie who also found himself forced into semi-retirement…
- Question:
How can an *aging techie* be of any use in the ever changing I.T. industry?
- Afterall:
Your brain stops functioning at 50… right? 🙄
- Answer:
“Experience” which should never be under-valued. 💡
This site is written by an aging techie so obviously is Non-Bleeding-Edge! 😆
It attempts to condense various work experience into quick reference guides.
The style is deliberately terse, like an engineering logbook.
Suggestions, comments, corrections or contributions are always welcomed.
- PowerShell Cheatsheet
- PowerShell Scripting Cheatsheet
- Python Cheatsheet
- Brew Cheatsheet
- Linux Tricks Cheatsheet
JSON Cheatsheetxq
XML/HTML Cheatsheetyq
YAML/JSON Cheatsheet- Markdown Cheatsheet
- GPG - GNU Privacy Guard
- Screen and Tmux Cheatsheet
- Windows Tricks Cheatsheet
- Systemctl vs Service Cheatsheet
- Subversion Cheatsheet
- Daemontools Cheatsheet
- Iptables CheatSheet
- MySQL Cheatsheet
- PHP CheatSheet
- PyMySQL CheatSheet