GPG - GNU Privacy Guard
Useful Links
Basic Command Examples
$ gpg --version # gpg version - gpg (GnuPG) 2.4.0
$ gpg --generate-key # (interactive) key generation
$ gpg --list-keys # list public keys
$ gpg --list-secret-keys # list private keys
$ gpg --fingerprint # list all fingerprints
$ gpg --fingerprint # list specific fingerprint
$ gpg --help
$ gpg --output geoffreycollis-hotmail-pub.gpg --armor --export
$ gpg --output sjfke-pool-shark-hotmail-pub.gpg --armor --export 49220AC61317062D
GPG key generation
$ gpg --generate-key
gpg (GnuPG) 2.4.3; Copyright (C) 2023 g10 Code GmbH
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Note: Use "gpg --full-generate-key" for a full featured key generation dialog.
GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.
Real name: Fred (Frederick Flintstone)
Email address: fred.flinstone@bedrock.ak
You selected this USER-ID:
"Fred (Frederick Flintstone) <fred.flintstone@bedrock.ak>"
Change (N)ame, (E)mail, or (O)kay/(Q)uit? O
We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform
some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the
disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number
generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.
We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform
some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the
disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number
generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.
gpg: revocation certificate stored as 'C:\\Users\\sjfke\\AppData\\Roaming\\gnupg\\openpgp-revocs.d\\44D306AEC3F45F976A9F9B24BDF6A4906F018A02.rev'
public and secret key created and signed.
pub ed25519 2024-01-09 [SC] [expires: 2027-01-08]
uid Fred (Frederick Flintstone) <fred.flintstone@bedrock.ak>
sub cv25519 2024-01-09 [E] [expires: 2027-01-08]
Use gpg --full-generate-key
to adjust expiry date etc.
Sign and Encrypt/Decrypt Keys
Notice, that --list-keys
and --list-secret-keys
produce the same output.
gpg --list-keys
pub ed25519 2024-03-05 [SC] [expires: 2027-03-05]
uid [ultimate] Sjfke (Hotmail) <>
sub cv25519 2024-03-05 [E] [expires: 2027-03-05]
gpg --list-secret-keys
sec ed25519 2024-03-05 [SC] [expires: 2027-03-05]
uid [ultimate] Sjfke (Hotmail) <>
ssb cv25519 2024-03-05 [E] [expires: 2027-03-05]
Where [SC]
means sign and certify and [E]
means encrypt/decrypt
E = encrypt/decrypt (decrypt a message you received encrypted for you to read)
S = sign (sign data. For example a file or to send signed e-mail)
C = certify (sign another key, establishing a trust-relation)
A = authentication (log in to SSH with a PGP key; this is relatively new usage)
Git GPG integrations
$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long | grep -E "sec|uid" # Unix
$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long | select-string @('sec ', 'uid ') # Windows
sec ed25519/09D708FAED728E4C 2022-07-27 [SC] [expires: 2024-07-27]
uid [ultimate] Geoffrey Collis <>
sec ed25519/49220AC61317062D 2023-03-31 [SC] [expires: 2024-01-25]
uid [ultimate] Sjfke <>
# On Windows with 'Git for Windows' installed
$ where.exe gpg # C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe
$ git config --global gpg.program "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe"
# Global auto-sign commits and tags
$ git config --global --list
$ git config --global
$ git config --global user.signingKey 09D708FAED728E4C
$ git config --global commit.gpgSign true
$ git config --global tag.gpgSign true
# Project (local) auto-sign commits and tags
$ git config --local --list
$ git config --local
$ git config --local user.signingKey 49220AC61317062D
$ git config --local commit.gpgSign true
$ git config --local tag.gpgSign true
# Remove GPG signing
$ git config --global --unset user.signingKey
$ git config --global --unset commit.gpgSign
$ git config --global --unset tag.gpgSign
$ git config --local --unset user.signingKey
$ git config --local --unset commit.gpgSign
$ git config --local --unset tag.gpgSign
For GitHub add these keys to SSH and GPG keys
Exporting GPG keys
Listing your public and private keys.
$ gpg --list-keys --keyid-format LONG # list all your public keys
$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG # list all your private keys
Exporting your public key is a commonly used technique for importing it into other applications.
$ gpg --armor --export
$ gpg --output export-public.gpg --armor --export
Exporting your private key requires your pass-phrase and is NOT RECOMMENDED even though it is unusable without the pass-phrase
$ gpg --armor --export-secret-key
$ gpg --output export-private.gpg --armor --export-secret-key # private key
Backup or Transfer GPG keys
Listing your public and private keys.
$ gpg --list-keys --keyid-format LONG # public keys
$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG # private keys
Backup single key-pair
$ gpg --export-secret-keys --export-options backup --output backup-private.gpg
$ gpg --export --export-options backup --output backup-public.gpg
* Each *private* key prompts for it's pass-phrase
* Exported *private* keys remain protected with their pass-phrase
Backup the key ring
# All public and private keys and trust
$ gpg --export --export-options backup --output backup-all-public.gpg # public keys
$ gpg --export-secret-keys --export-options backup --output backup-all-private.gpg # private keys
$ gpg --export-ownertrust > backup-all-trust.gpg # UNIX trust database
$ gpg --export-ownertrust | add-content -Encoding ASCII backup-all-trust.gpg # Windows trust database
- Note:
Each private key prompts for it’s pass-phrase
Exported private keys remain protected by their pass-phrases
Trust file
Backup references
Importing GPG keys
Assumes existence of the files in Backup or Transfer GPG keys, and as always a private key will prompt it’s pass-phrase
Import single key-pair
To import a key-pair, only the private key backup is required
$ gpg --list-keys # check public key does not exist
$ gpg --list-secret-keys # check private key does not exist
$ gpg --import export-private.gpg # import '' key-pair
$ gpg --list-keys # check public key exists
$ gpg --list-secret-keys # check private key exists
Now add the trust, see Trusting Imported GPG keys
Import the key ring
file is needed to restore the trustsOnly the private keys backup,
file is required
$ gpg --list-keys # check is empty
$ gpg --list-secret-keys # check is empty
$ gpg --import backup-all-private.gpg # import all key-pairs
$ gpg --import-ownership backup-all-trust.gpg # import all key-pairs
$ gpg --list-keys # check public keys exist and are trusted
$ gpg --list-secret-keys # check private key exists and are trusted
Deleting GPG keys
Delete a public key
This will fail if the public key has a corresponding private key
$ gpg --list-keys # list public keys
$ gpg --delete-key # delete public key
Delete a key-pair
delete the private key acknowledging all warnings (All FOUR on Windows)
delete the public key
$ gpg --list-secret-keys # private keys
$ gpg --delete-secret-key # delete private key
$ gpg --list-keys # list public keys
$ gpg --delete-key # delete public key
Trusting Imported GPG keys
$ gpg --list-secret-keys | grep 'uid ' # UNIX check if trusted
$ gpg --list-secret-keys | select-string 'uid ' # Windows check if trusted
uid [ unknown] Sjfke <>
$ gpg --edit-key # edit key to add trust
$ gpg> trust
Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' keys
(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, etc.)
1 = I don't know or won't say
2 = I do NOT trust
3 = I trust marginally
4 = I trust fully
5 = I trust ultimately
m = back to the main menu
Your decision? 5
$ gpg quit
$ gpg --list-secret-keys | grep 'uid ' # UNIX check if trusted
$ gpg --list-secret-keys | select-string 'uid ' # Windows check if trusted
uid [ultimate] Sjfke <>