Perl Cheatsheet


Very early incomplete draft please ignore

Perl Reference Tutorial

Make Rule 1

$aref = \@array;    # $aref now holds a reference to @array
$href = \%hash;     # $href now holds a reference to %hash
$sref = \$scalar;   # $sref now holds a reference to $scalar

Once the reference is stored in a variable like $aref or $href, you can:

$xy = $aref;      # $xy now holds a reference to @array
$p[3] = $href;    # $p[3] now holds a reference to %hash
$z = $p[3];       # $z now holds a reference to %hash

Make Rule 2


  • [ ITEMS ] creates an anonymous array, and returns a ref

  • { ITEMS } creates an anonymous hash, and returns a ref

$aref = [ 1, "foo", undef, 13 ];    # $aref now holds a reference to an array
$href = { APR => 4, AUG => 8 };     # $href now holds a reference to a hash

Note: $aref = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; is equivalent to:
  @array = (1, 2, 3);
  $aref = \@array;

Use Rule 1

De-referencing an array reference:

Perl                           Perlref                       Notes
----                           -------                       -----
@a;                            @{$aref};                     # An array
reverse @a;                    reverse @{$aref}              # Reverse the array
$a[3];                         ${$aref}[3]                   # An array element
$a[3] = 17;                    ${$aref}[3] = 17              # Assigning to an element

for my $element (@array) {     for my $element (@{$aref})    # Hint: s/array/{\$aref}/g
  ...                              ...
}                              }

De-referencing a hash reference:

Perl                                 Perlref                                 Notes
----                                 -------                                 -----
%h;                                  %{$href}                               # A hash
keys %h;                             keys %{$href}                          # Get the keys from hash
$h{'red'};                           ${$href}{'red'}                        # An element of the hash

for my $key (keys %hash) {           for my $key (keys %{$href}) {          # Hint: s/hash/{\$href}/g
    print "$key => $hash{$key}\n";       print "$key => ${$href}{$key}\n";
}                                    }

Use Rule 2

  • “Use Rule 1” cumbersome, more elegant syntax

Perlref               Elegant Perlref
-------               ---------------
${$aref}[3];          $aref->[3]           # instead
${$href}{'red'};      $href->{'red'}         # instead

for my $key (keys %{$href}) {
    print "$key => $href->{$key}\n";


$aref[3]     # 4th element of deceptively named array @aref (i.e $aref(reference) and @aref(array) are unrelated)
$href{'red'} # part of deceptively named hash %href         (i.e $href(reference) and %href(hash) are unrelated)

Building a hash from an array

my @array('fred', 'barney', 'wilma', 'betty');
my %hash = map { $_, 1 } @array;    # convert to hash.
# my %hash {'wilma' => 1, 'betty' => 1, 'barney' => 1, 'fred' => 1};

my @array('fred', 'barney', 'wilma', 'betty');
my $i =0;
my %hash = map { $_, $i++ } @array; # ‘fred’ => 0, ‘barney’ => 1 etc.
# %hash = {'fred' => 0, 'barney' => 1, 'wilma' => 2, 'betty' => 3};

# create a value sorted array from the hash
my @stats_indices;
foreach my $key (sort { $stats_hash{$a} <=> $stats_hash{$b} } keys %stats_hash) {
   push(@stats_indices, $stats_hash{$key};

Perl Excel Spreadsheet

Perl DBI

Perl DBI DB connection:

my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=$dbhost:database=$dbase";
my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass ) or die("Connot connect to $dbhost:$dbase");

Perl DBI Select Examples:

my @array;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT $column FROM $table") or die $dbh->errstr;
$sth->execute() or die $sth->errstr;
while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
   push( @array, $row[0] );

my %hash = map { $_, 1 } @array;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id,name FROM $table") or die $dbh->errstr;
$sth->execute() or die $sth->errstr;
while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
   if (exists $hash{$row[1]}) {
      $hash{$row[1]} = $row[0];
   } else {
      $hash{$row[1]} = -1; # should not happen

Perl DBI Insert Examples:

my $prefix = "INSERT INTO " . $table . " (name)";
my $qry = "$prefix VALUES (?)";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($qry);

my @values;
push( @values, $name );
print("$prefix VALUES (". join (',', @values) . ")\n"), if ( $verbose > 1 );
my $affected = $sth->execute(@values) or $log->logdie( $sth->errstr );
my $id = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'}; # returns AUTO_INCREMENT ID, caution lock table if multi-user/threaded app.

if ($force_update) {
   $prefix = "REPLACE INTO $metro_traffic_table (metroid,out99pct,outsum,ctime,ymd)";
} else {
   $prefix = "INSERT IGNORE INTO $metro_traffic_table (metroid,out99pct,outsum,ctime,ymd)";