JavaScript Cheatsheet


Old or incomplete, anticipate inaccuracies and outdated information.


// everything up to end of line.

Multi-line comment
Note does not need *-prefix on enclosed lines

String Methods:

Useful Links:

var pos = str.indexOf(“findme”);     // first occurrence 0..N, -1 not found
var pos = str.lastIndexOf(“findme”); // last occurrence 0..N, -1 not found
var pos =“regexStr”);    // first occurrence 0..N, -1 not found
var str = "Apple, Banana, Kiwi";
var res = str.slice(7,13);     // “Banana”
var res = str.slice(-12,-6);   // “Banana” (index from end of string)
var res = str.slice(7);        // “Banana, Kiwi”
var res = str.slice(-12);      // “Banana, Kiwi” (index from end of string)
var res = str.substring(7,13); // “Banana” (+ve index only).
var res = str.substring(7);    // “Banana, Kiwi” (+ve index only)
var res = str.substr(7,6);     // "Banana" substr(start, length)
var res = str.substr(-12,6);   // "Banana" substr(start, length)
str = "Please visit Microsoft!";
var n = str.replace("Microsoft","Yahoo");  // Str: ”Please visit Yahoo!”; str unchanged.
var n = str.replace(/Microsoft/g,"Yahoo"); // RegEx: ”Please visit Yahoo!”; str unchanged.
var text1 = "Hello World!";
var text2 = text1.toUpperCase();        // text2 is text1 converted to upper
var text2 = text1.toLowerCase();        // text2 is text1 converted to lower
var text2 = text1.toLocaleLowerCase();  // text2 is text1 converted to lower
var text2 = text1.toLocaleUpperCase();  // text2 is text1 converted to upper

Split / Join strings

var txt = "a,b,c,d,e";   // String
txt.split(",");          // Split on commas, ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
txt.split("")            // Split on chars, ["a", ",", "b", ",", "c", ",", "d", ",", "e"]

var text1 = "Hello";
var text2 = "World";
var text3 = text1.concat(" ",text2);
var text3 = text1 + “ “ + text2;

Indexing strings (accessing string as an array is unsafe!)

var str = "HELLO WORLD";  // Accessing string as an array is unsafe!
str.charAt(0);            // returns H
str.charCodeAt(0);        // returns 72

Searching strings

var text1 = "Hello World!";
text1.startsWith("Hello");         // true
text1.endsWith('World!');          // true

var text2 = " a,b,c,d,e ";
var str = text2.trim();            // trim leading/trailing white-space, ”a,b,c,d,e”
text2.includes('c,d');             // Str: true (RegEx no-work)
var matches = text2.match(/c,d/);  // RegEx: returns matches, [“c,d”]

Objects - Nested

> obj = {'Jan':{}, 'Feb':{}}
> obj.Jan['a']="why"
> obj.Feb=[{c: "yes", d: "no"},{e: "yes", f: "no"}]
> obj.Feb.push({e: "yes", f: "no"})
> obj['Mar']=[{"a":"why","b":"not"}]
> obj['Mar'].push({"c":"may","d":"be"})
> var jsonStr = JSON.stringify(obj)
> jsonStr

Comment Block

 var chartView = new google.visualization.DataView(data);
// -->

Ternary operator

"The fee is " + (isMember ? "$2.00" : "$10.00")

querySelectorAll: finding all elements on a page

x = document.querySelectorAll("input[type='checkbox']"); // finds all the checkboxes.